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Showing posts from July, 2020

Learning my purpose...

Can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun !! this has been the last week of my district being together which is so heartbreaking but I am very happy for them too because each of them will be amazing missionaries !! I have come to love them SO MUCH in the last 3 weeks ! Friendships based around Christ are such a big big blessing. PS to follow up with my last weeks email, I've been reassigned finally !! I will be leaving August 3 to the California Anaheim Mission !! I am way more prepared for Canada weather, so now I have to go shopping again for California's weather (sorry mom and dad🤣) But other than that, it has been the usual routine everyday of studying and classes, not getting too wild over here haha!  To keep this somewhat short I wont bore you with the details of my everyday life!! However maybe bring some things to light that have helped me. Ive found in workshops and classes that many missionaries are struggling with reassignments including mysel...

Waiting for my Dear John Letter...

hey y'all !! it's already my second p day in the mtc and i've already missed the first email so we will see how well 18 months go  shockingly, the Online MTC has been AMAZING. I honestly considered postponing my mission or even cancelling it due to "missing out on the experience" but I am SO happy that I didnt !! Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do the hard things and the Lord will compensate for your efforts. But in my opinion, you still get the full experience. The spirit is still so strong through technology and zoom!! I am extremely busy with studies, workshops, TRCS, and spending every minute with my district. My district has 8 elders and 4 sisters and we are quite the group. We honestly have so much fun because there are so many different personalities. One of the elders took it upon themselves to give us all food names too. Mine is Sister Lays Chips because of 'finLAYSon' and I thought that was super creative hahaha! My companion is Sister ...