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Showing posts from December, 2020

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas family & friends !!  I hope each of you have the best week ever! This week was pretty dang crazy. The other night we hit up our AP's and asked if we could get a Rav4 and since we are all really close, we got the car like 8 hours later, it was the best. But it came at a cost so that was lame. We had a very unfortunate event happen but I won't entertain you with the details, you all would know too much 😂 however, we did have some great things done for social media. missionary work is still the same, the only difference is that missionaries are doing their jobs more efficiently!! the way that missionary work is now, is so much better than how it was prior to covid. I talk to like 100 people a day just on Instagram and have SOOOO many conversations, my eyes begin to burn after looking at a screen for so long haha. but this is definitely where I am meant to be right now. I love it in social media, but I sure do miss teaching a lot !! Teaching will always have a...

I love miracles

hey everyone ! we had transfers last week and I am staying in social media. I'm super excited for it because we get to do a lot with it !! I run the instagram pages and my other 2 comps get to take care of Facebook pages so all of us have our own area to be creative and I love it !! We send out so many referrals every day and it's just great to see a lot of people interested in the gospel especially during covid & christmas!!  sooo manyyy miracles have happened this last week in our area. We started teaching Kartier again (I am soooo happy about it. I begged the elders last transfer to give her back to us since she was in our area but they wouldn't hahah maybe that's why God kicked them outta Atherton this transfer😆 just kidding) but last Wednesday we had a lesson with her and she had to postpone her baptism because of a few things she needs to pay off first. So we extended another baptismal date in 4 weeks, and she declined :(( She wanted to push it to the end of ...

Week 19

G ood morning everyone!! I think its week 19, I am not really sure BUT I cant believe it's p day already. It was probably one of the busiest weeks ever. We have done tons of filming and editing. Its been really fun to travel around my mission and get to visit with members, sightsee, and just have fun with my comps. We decided we wanted to go to Huntington Beach so we set up some members there and headed down for the day. It was suchhhh a fun day and I pray that I get to go there someday, ha! But I got some super sad news!! 1 of my most favorite elders got called back to Korea and he leaves this week. It made me realize that all of the reassigned missionaries are going to be heading back soon, then I realized I AM one of those people and it made me even more sad to leave all of my friends. It has been crazy thinking about why the heck this is all happening but God alwayyyys has a plan. Even when we don't understand ! But for some good news, we found 2 new people to teach and the...