hey everyone !
we had transfers last week and I am staying in social media. I'm super excited for it because we get to do a lot with it !! I run the instagram pages and my other 2 comps get to take care of Facebook pages so all of us have our own area to be creative and I love it !! We send out so many referrals every day and it's just great to see a lot of people interested in the gospel especially during covid & christmas!!
sooo manyyy miracles have happened this last week in our area. We started teaching Kartier again (I am soooo happy about it. I begged the elders last transfer to give her back to us since she was in our area but they wouldn't hahah maybe that's why God kicked them outta Atherton this transfer😆 just kidding) but last Wednesday we had a lesson with her and she had to postpone her baptism because of a few things she needs to pay off first. So we extended another baptismal date in 4 weeks, and she declined :(( She wanted to push it to the end of February instead because she doesn't think she will be able to pay off some things by the end of 4 weeks. However, we really, truly felt that she needs to be baptized much sooner so we tried to convince her but nada!! So we asked what would need to happen for her to accept an earlier date and she said: "A miracle. I need a 2nd job but I just don't know how realistic that will be."
well, after many prayers that night, we received a call from Kartier the NEXT morning of her smiling, laughing, and just happy as can be. It turns out, she received a call from a store that she applied to EIGHT weeks ago. She got the job and started 2 days later.
but I have learned a lot. I have really come to know that any trials we go through AND any joys we feel that God is alongside of us always. When I look back on the experiences I have had in life, I can truly envision angels round about me. Whether it was on my knees pleading to God or laughing on the couch with family, I can see angels ministering. God always keeps them near to protect us and show His care. I have felt God's love for me in so many ways !! I wish I had more time to explain, however I hope you all have a great week & love you all !!
ps im about to hit 5 months tomorrow, that's whack.
sister fin <3
hermana pedersen and stack
peninsula is my home
plant power is an obsession
elder jarman and the comps
random pic with the ZL'S
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