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Showing posts from May, 2021

Alofa Atu

Ah the weeks past by so quick sometimes. But this email will be a snooze !! I was able to get the second dose of Pfizer & I. Died. Tuesday was such a miserable day ahahah. But I'm alive !   Transfers are this Tuesday & I'll be staying in the Samoan & Tongan ward with Sister Satini! Speaking of, my Samoan is getting better but still needs a ton of work. I have learned how to pray in Samoan & have a introductory conversation so it's been a really great experience making myself be truly worthy of the spirit so I can have the gifts of tongues & all. But again, definitely not that great at it.   I honestly do not have much, I feel like every week is the same! Just taking care of other sisters, training every week, and learning the languages. One thing though is that I am so inspired by our members here !! They know how to make someone feel so loved & seeing their desire to serve the Lord & His missionaries motivates me to do & be better everyday. ...

I loved this week

This week was one for the books !! It was a crazy busy week & the days just flew by. I realized I don't share too much about my week or anything too spiritual lol but that can change !! So to start off, Monday night our entire mission got chastised by the president lol. Then Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday we had exchanges & Sunday we had a baptism with David !!   It was a week of A LOT of self reflection & seeing the areas I can improve . . . plus a lot of fun !!   This weeks exchanges I got to be with Sister Ratcliff, Sister Mattice, and Sister Ware !! I learned a lot from each sister & since it was a self reflecting week...I asked each sister & every return missionary member what they learned from their missions && believe it or not, every single one of them said they learned their identity as a daughter of God. It was tender to hear because I do forget my identity as Heavenly Fathers daughter, very often. Seeing the past experiences of my miss...