what a week :) ☆ gave my departing testimony at zone conference & had to say my last goodbyes to some people even though I still have a whole month left :( SAD !! ☆ I got strep throat starting Wednesday. Pretty sure someone switched our water bottles at zone conference lolol :(( but by Friday morning I had my medicine & now I'm feeling a little better woohoo ! we had to take the weekend off so I could sleep...it was BORING but much needed rest ngl !! ☆ I had more time to think than one would like because of ^^ strep ! and I couldn't help but think about how sometimes I am ungrateful to God of the answers He gives me to old prayers. For an example, I remember praying everyday as I turned in my mission papers (February/March 2020) : "PLEASE let me learn my culture" Fast forward to April 2021 & I am assigned to serve in the only 2 Polynesian wards in Orange County. Something small like recognizing that we might be experiencing the answers to old pr...