Hey yall!! I finally arrived in the field today so not a whole lot to say :) I will tell ya though that I was honestly quite shocked when I didnt cry saying goodbye to my family :') Typically I'd bawl...so just gotta give myself a pat on the back for that one lol! (Not because I dont love them but because Ive been SO READY for this moment!!) The Lord has been preparing me for this mission and Ive been way too eager to get out here! Ive gone through some tough times to get here, but the scripture Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" has given me so much encouragement to be here. But even more strength has been received from the enabling power accessed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I read this poem and just wanted to include it here (let me know your thoughts because I LOVED it!!) -->
"more skillful in self knowledge, even more pure,
as tempted more; more able to endure,
as more exposed to suffering and distress; thence, also, more alive to tenderness"
With trials come more strength, endurance, and love. God does not give us trials that He knows we cannot overcome. But He does ask of us to look unto Christ for help. It can be difficult at times but just as Elder Holland has said we never stray too far or sink too deep from that infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines. I hope each and everyone of you can look to Christ and find strength through His Atonement and the enabling power accessed through it to get through your trials no matter how big or small !!
but I dont have much time anymore so I hope y'all have an amazing week,
sister fin <3
ps I'm in the Yorba Linda area... I think lol! Ive honestly had to ask them our area like 13 times now. I am in a trio with S. Hoopes and S. Ritimati (pronounced like christmas without the c lol!) S. Hoopes has been out for 9 months and S. Ritimati has been out for 21 months and is waiting for her countries borders to open!! they are theeeee sweetest girls ever. we have already gotten along SO well. anyways love yall !!
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