It was such a BUSY week !! first off I just wanted to flex that we got to go to Disneyland on p day. never been there so that was cool. you can definitely be jealous of this mission...just kidding🤣 we had zone conference and I just want to add that Hermana Siepert is a FANTASTICCC actor :') It really does feel good to have that piece of home nearby <3 My zone didn't believe me that I knew her so I pulled up super old pics of us from like middle school saying this is US believe me hahaha. Anyways, my second day here we got to put Charles on date for baptism. He is such a sweet guy. He was a self referral and he is SO proud of his 15 yr old daughters artwork. She has autism and honestly they are two wonderful people that Ive enjoyed meeting! And guess what!! He is getting baptized in a jacuzzi because he doesn't want to be cold after he is submerged.... in 80° weather... he asked for the hot tub to be over 100° ..... you could say its freezing here huh? Also, my first house/lesson EVER was at a members house and they are from Soda Springs and Montpelier 😂 So needless to say that was a funny and memorable reunion we had.
Hahaha but so many amazing things are happening. Members are a blessing to us, they hasten the Lords work by tenfold seriously. I encourage each of you to pray for inspiration of who, out of your friends or people you know, may need the message of the Restored gospel and contact your missionaries !! We are on limited access to everything, but YOU MEMBERS are not!! We need YOUR help. I have learned so much from other missionaries and members. One thing I've recognized is that there is a reason for everything. God has a plan for each of us and they are designed so intricately and perfectly. It has been HARD hearing investigators stories and experiences of what they have had to go through, but all of their trials led them to reach out to Christ. Which is exactly where we are supposed to be!! I thought I had it hard not getting a shirt at TJ Maxx from my parents hahaha, but boy!! Life is SO different when Christ isn't involved in someone's life honestly. Which is why we need to do ALL we can to help others. I don't have much else to say or much time either unfortunately. But I love each of you :) I have had so many spiritual and uplifting moments already and cannot wait for MORE !
hope you have an amazing week!
sister fin <3
ps if you know where Melo Ball or the real housewives addresses are here in yorba linda please send them and I'll make my way over there ;)
1. The homes in our area are insanely huge. FYI Im in the wealthiest area hahaha
2, 3. Exchanges with Sister Hatch
4-6. DISNEY !! With Sis. Satini and Tanner
7. They force me to run with them :'( jk hahah its fun to get out though
8. SHOOPES let me dye her hair!!!!!! she has too much trust in me 😂
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