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Praise "JEEBUS"

Wow this week was veryyyy slow. we went on exchanges and i wish i could share the full details but that day was all sorts of tiring !! hahah but i got to stay in el dorado with sister mattice & sister miles and it was such a party !! we honestly didn't have much to do besides discuss a lot of things !! but on Wednesday my comp had to help another sister out so I had to train all on my own and it was fun but definitely weird hahah . . . other than that we got Ethan to come to church && as good as it was...he joined on zoom and blew up the zoom chat and after the speaker was done he commented "praise JEEBUS" so you could only imagine how hard I was laughing in the pew of the church building hahahah I cannot with him. we had hung out with him on Saturday night and got some Mediterranean food & it was so Gucci I havent had a good meal like that in so long, it was NICE :') 

but one thing I have really come to realize is how inadequate I am :)) I do not know much about the gospel, neither am I the most skilled, but God has called me as a missionary & He has called you too. God's called the weakest things of this world to do the greatest work & thats something that gives me hope everyday :) knowing that He knows my faults & flaws yet still sees my infinite potential gives me the energy to keep going. God called Joseph Smith to restore the gospel solely because he was unlearned. Joseph knew he didn't understand & God used that to bring to pass something eternal & sacred. Bringing things into this perspective really show the capability you have to influence someone else with the power of God on your side :) anyways I hope this lil insight will help yall too. aroha nui, have a great week ! 

sister fin <3

- social media meeting

- elder weiler leaves this thurs to cambodia

- lol praise jeebus 

- Mediterranean restaurant

- this pic is for my dad...RANGA !! :)

- elder carpenter&roylance plus us all moving!

- compie

- trio sistaaahs plus a doggie

- exchanges plus karl

- idk what theyre doing here but its funny


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