This is a long one, sorry. But welcome to my food blog !! I get fed like a queen here in Anaheim. The Polynesians know how to cook, love, and especially cook with love. Sister Satini and I have realized we are getting fed sooooo muchhhhh so we started working out at night too. We got a pretty legit apt with a sauna and gym, so we got super lucky and it'll help a lot with all this food hahah. I lost my wallet for 5 days and I didn't even notice because I have gotten fed multiple meals every single day . . . I think its God's apology for putting me in a YSA where I was scraping the ground for crumbs and fighting the mice for dinner.
Lol. Another cool thing was some maintenance guy walked into our apartment and randomly gave us $40. That will be going towards my eyelash extention funds hahahah. Jk...kinda. All I'm saying is catch my pics next week 🙏🏼
But onto the actual missionary work stuffz!! Its been BUSY. We get up at 6am to play ball with a group of people, & its been fun but I broke my own knee cuz I never learned how to walk apparently hahah. Luckily for dinner yesterday our members invited their chiropractor and he said I probably tore my meniscus :// but I'm able to keep walking on it so I am chilling !! As for some background, we cover 2 wards, 2 zones, have to learn 2 languages (bc we were told thats capable lol but we will probs vibe with trying to learn only tongan), get to do exchanges with our sisters and other STLs, and just so much more . . . but I love it. Its been crazy. Polynesians are so involved in the work it was such a shock. We were so busy we didn't even get a chance to start working in one of our wards until 4 days into the transfer, quite sad. But hey, they were on top of things and now we are getting to work x2 !! We have met a lot of wonderful people. As I was sitting in the Samoan ward on Sunday, I just started bawling hahah. The one time I was grateful for a mask mandate. It felt so spiritual in that room hearing them sing. I didnt realize how much I missed singing during church services. Plus, they were speaking in Samoan, so that moment proved the spirit has no language barriers. Additionally, I felt like I was in a room full of the elect. Boy, did I feel the love of God for them or what. Even when I tried to stop crying, I couldn't. I just felt too blessed to be getting an ounce of what it must've felt like to be raised on the islands. It was always my dream to be raised in NZ, but no doubt was I humbled at what I grew up with because dang I was spoiled. I am so fortunate & blessed, but seeing their faith & humility I was so impressed. During sacrament, every testimony talked about how we all need to stick together during this time of covid. It really resonated with me seeing their unity rather than using the 6 ft social distance & mask mandates to prevent them from sharing christlike love. Polynesians got it together. I am learning so much from these people. Especially that I might be brown but I'm major palangi growing up in Idaho hahah.
Anyways, we are teaching 11 progressing people plus some prospects, so this should be an exciting transfer! The main reason why there are so many is because parents won't let their children get baptized, so if you got any persuasive words, send em my way or else chapter 14 will need to come out & thats not appropriate for married men. Jk. Hahahah. Godspeed 🙏🏼
hope you have a fantastic week! love you all,
sister fin <3
- I hit my 9 months :)
- yummy food
- bonfire w zone #2
- fire with zone #1
- elder browning, ice in da veins
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