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Showing posts from June, 2021


good morning everyone!! this last week was a good one ! ☆ Tahia finished her lessons & got interviewed...her baptism is this upcoming Sunday ! ☆ we had two exchanges, I had S. Walter in my area & I went to S. Tanner in Tustin !  ☆ we got fed a buuuuunch, as usual lol ☆ ^^ I ate an octopus !! It tasted bland & chewy. If there was something to give it more taste, it'd be way better ! ☆ its the end of the transfer !! 6 weeks went by too fast. After 12 weeks alone, Sister Satini & I will be put into a trio with Sister Bradfield ! I'm pretty stressed with the amount of things we have to carry this upcoming transfer, but nothing that God can't help me with :) !! I'm so grateful to know that He helps each & every one of us during trialing times, stressful moments, but also happy moments !! I'm excited ! manuia le vaiaso :) alofa atu ! sister fin <3  addy !!  2500 N Bristol St. Santa Ana, CA 92706 


Dang, its already Monday! hope everyone is doing good :) this week wasn't too bad, got to break a lot of ankles in basketball & watch one of my friends i used to teach be baptized !! It was such a good week overall.  Can I just note how difficult it is to bear ones testimony on Fast Sundays ?? Usually there's 20 minutes of silence, but in polynesian wards you literally have to fight for a spot . . . and we did in both wards lol. Everyone just sits in line & waits their turn, it is so AMAZING, I love the energy given here in these wards lol !!  I was feeling pretty sad at the fact I'm missing my favorite holiday in the best town ever lol. And I said to Sister Satini that the only way I'd get past the sadness is if someone was baptized on July 4th && our friend Tahia came to us the next day asking to be baptized that day. God works in miraculous & beautiful ways :) Best 4th of July is happening this year !!!  I'm so thankful to Heavenly Father! He ...


Such an amazing week !! as the weeks pass on I'm getting worst & worst at writing these lol. But it was such a great week that I couldn't skip it !! There were so many miracles.  ☆ One of our friends baptism, Athena, keeps having her date pushed back because her grandma was stuck in Alaska. So, we fasted on Sunday then two days later the grandma came home !! #blessed she has a solid date of next Saturday.  ☆ Our member kept texting us to visit this random household & we finally found the time to do it a few days later. We showed up & they were so sweet !! The Letele family told us our member invited them to our wards Father Day Dance which is why they gave our member their address and number . . . I'll tell you right now there is no Fathers day dance . . . Bahahah but they're very interested ☆ We have a group of kids we are trying to teach from the same family (Schuster & Faletoi) & they randomly hit us up bc their mom invited us to their family gath...

I ate horse

happy week !! time means nothing apparently bc its going so fast. this week was so good. we found 4 new families to teach & im so excited for all of them bc they're definitely solid !! one of the people was found bc we hecka broke his ankles. he challenged us to a game of bball with his nephew Esaia & even though Sister Satini & I were in dresses, we still won .... 3x bahaha. The deal was he had to come to church & let us teach him 2 lessons so it was worth it. God was on our side for sure 🙏🏼   Also, I got to eat horse this week for the first time and it was delicious but made me super sad lol. Poor horsey. Anyways, I am doing great & miss you all so much !! I have learned so much about God's love for me. God helped me get thru some hard trials in the last few months and I am so thankful to know that He delivers us in all things. Alofa atu !!   sister fin <3   Addy:) --   Sister Finlayson 2500 N Bristol St.   Santa Ana, CA 92706  - ...