Such an amazing week !! as the weeks pass on I'm getting worst & worst at writing these lol. But it was such a great week that I couldn't skip it !! There were so many miracles.
☆ One of our friends baptism, Athena, keeps having her date pushed back because her grandma was stuck in Alaska. So, we fasted on Sunday then two days later the grandma came home !! #blessed she has a solid date of next Saturday.
☆ Our member kept texting us to visit this random household & we finally found the time to do it a few days later. We showed up & they were so sweet !! The Letele family told us our member invited them to our wards Father Day Dance which is why they gave our member their address and number . . . I'll tell you right now there is no Fathers day dance . . . Bahahah but they're very interested
☆ We have a group of kids we are trying to teach from the same family (Schuster & Faletoi) & they randomly hit us up bc their mom invited us to their family gathering on Saturday. it was so much FUN !! We got close to all of them & figured out why they weren't baptized sooner lol. Then we set up times to go eat with them. #socialconversion>
☆ 2 exchanges: we were able to accomplish so much !! My comp & I led a really amazing comp inventory with some sisters this week and it was so cool to see people openly communicate with each other after some struggles. It just made me really grateful for the experiences I am having & that this is my time to really become better :)) also I won $15 at our youth activity hehe
☆ we decided to stop by our friend, Rachel, and it was a blessing ! Had such a Spirit-led lesson that included helping her husband recognize he needs to take lead as the priesthood holder to help her join the church. Cutest family ever !!
☆ Aitofele family: we had a great lesson that included Damian choosing to be baptized in August & the dad being endowed in the temple after he is !! The spirit was so present during the lesson that each of us were able to receive witnesses of the truth.
☆ Today we had a ward activity that was so fun !! It was a great way to spend memorial day. We played basketball, volleyball, & pickleball. Our members brought all their friends & asked us to teach them hahah. Our members are soooo goooood to us lol !!
I loved this week !! Manuia le vaiaso:)
alofa atu 🤍
sister fin <3
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