happy week !!
time means nothing apparently bc its going so fast. this week was so good. we found 4 new families to teach & im so excited for all of them bc they're definitely solid !! one of the people was found bc we hecka broke his ankles. he challenged us to a game of bball with his nephew Esaia & even though Sister Satini & I were in dresses, we still won .... 3x bahaha. The deal was he had to come to church & let us teach him 2 lessons so it was worth it. God was on our side for sure 🙏🏼
Also, I got to eat horse this week for the first time and it was delicious but made me super sad lol. Poor horsey. Anyways, I am doing great & miss you all so much !! I have learned so much about God's love for me. God helped me get thru some hard trials in the last few months and I am so thankful to know that He delivers us in all things. Alofa atu !!
sister fin <3
Addy:) --
Sister Finlayson
2500 N Bristol St.
Santa Ana, CA 92706
- bonfire w the orange zone :)
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