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Showing posts from July, 2021

God is waiting on you!

ata marie everyone !  **note** if you're not gonna read the whole thing at least read the last paragraph 🤍  it was a blessed week here in anaheim 8 & 12 wards :) our Samoan ward was very busy this week preparing for our ward camp next week -- lots of dance practices ! && our Tongan ward was even busier with funeral services -- so heartbreaking !! it was a little hard at first this week trying to adjust to everyone's busy schedules, but by the end of the week, miracles :) patience is key!!  i was able to really see God's hand & witness miraculous changes in the front row seat ! its interesting being a missionary, because you randomly (but not really randomly) get placed in front of peoples paths who ask you when they can get baptized . . . and they're serious about it ! I never ever thought I'd experience this on my mission until it happened. Her name is Cila & she is one of our members girlfriends. I'm excited for her ! The poly wards are so...


good morning everyone !! this week felt really really long but its over now SO here we are :)  my new comp is Sister Tafisi & I'm so excited to have her join me in the poly wards !! she is honestly so sweet & patient with me lolol. I love her !!  to keep it short & simple, this week: ☆ naomi had a bday party (shes a friend being taught)  ☆ ward dance practice (there's a ward camp in 2 weeks so we have been busy helping with this)  ☆ a few of our Tongan ward members have passed so we have also been busy with this too :( ☆ we got everything moved between sis satini & tafisi late late lateeee on Tuesday night lol.  not a whole lot happened this week, but I still learned a lot !! I've had really bad social anxiety lately (??? idk why) but every time it gets to the worst point where I cannot even move, that's when I am reminded of all my beautiful blessings I've been given. With this reminder, I'm able to get up & keep going. I'm so so blessed...

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Changes, Dog and Fun

hi all :) so some big changes are coming this week. yesterday we got a text from President asking if we could go over right after church & so we headed over as fast as we could, turns out we are being released as stls, satini is going to train in long beach, Bradfield is getting kicked outta the polynesian wards, and I get to reign here in the 2 languages I dunno anything about lolol. This was truly my dream: be released as stl AND stay in the poly wards :') God is so so so good to me hehe !!   Sister Satini has been my best friend though so I'm really sad to have her go honestly. She is like my sister, annoying one I wanna punch but can't help to love & hug ! (If u ever see this sis, hi 😂🤍) Catch me truly heartbroken by next Monday lol. But it was just a random transfer, so it'll be a wild ride I guess. I'm still not sure who my new companion is but President let me choose who my options were so I guess I got somewhat of a choice !! Yay !!  But, other tha...

Changes and miracles

good morning everyone!  It was a great week full of changes. ☆ The biggest change tho? Tahia became a member of the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints aka she was baptized !! it was a day we have been long awaiting for & I am so proud of her; she really is like a baby sister to me :')  ☆ we got put into a trio with Sister Bradfield from TX  ☆ and the Fourth of Julyyyy !! My favorite holiday; the best day ever....but not in CA. nothing will beat Soda was pretty sucky here. We spent the day with Tahia's baptism but then at night did nothing; my comps didn't wanna watch the fireworks so I sat in our somewhat open parking lot just listening to the fireworks that sounded like WWIII -- still a very good one <3 !!  I saw so many miracles this week and one being --> I was having a few tough days this last week. From Tuesday - today 🤣 lol But it was super tough for me and one day I stepped outside for my personal study & just cried my eyes ou...