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God is waiting on you!

ata marie everyone ! 

**note** if you're not gonna read the whole thing at least read the last paragraph 🤍 

it was a blessed week here in anaheim 8 & 12 wards :) our Samoan ward was very busy this week preparing for our ward camp next week -- lots of dance practices ! && our Tongan ward was even busier with funeral services -- so heartbreaking !! it was a little hard at first this week trying to adjust to everyone's busy schedules, but by the end of the week, miracles :) patience is key!! 

i was able to really see God's hand & witness miraculous changes in the front row seat ! its interesting being a missionary, because you randomly (but not really randomly) get placed in front of peoples paths who ask you when they can get baptized . . . and they're serious about it ! I never ever thought I'd experience this on my mission until it happened. Her name is Cila & she is one of our members girlfriends. I'm excited for her ! The poly wards are so so so amazing. I never want to leave !! I was thinking about how I have 4 months left & it made me so so sad to think about leaving these 2 wards. Theyre my absolute FAVORITES!! 🤍 Would you believe me if I said I've never had to ask anyone to be baptized in these wards ?? Never !! Our members invite our friends just fine😆 This upcoming month our stake is designating August as the missionary month. There will be A LOT of fasting, prayers, firesides, devotionals, etc. I am ready for it !! 

Keep your heads up, God loves you so much !! And just a reminder: do ALL that you can to be with God. make the sacrifices, make the changes, & don't let others stand in the way of who you want to be but even moreso who God NEEDS you to be !! go to church, pray, read your scriptures ;) do the basics & God will provide the rest. He is waiting on you !! 

sister fin <3 


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