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Changes, Dog and Fun

hi all :) so some big changes are coming this week. yesterday we got a text from President asking if we could go over right after church & so we headed over as fast as we could, turns out we are being released as stls, satini is going to train in long beach, Bradfield is getting kicked outta the polynesian wards, and I get to reign here in the 2 languages I dunno anything about lolol. This was truly my dream: be released as stl AND stay in the poly wards :') God is so so so good to me hehe !!  

Sister Satini has been my best friend though so I'm really sad to have her go honestly. She is like my sister, annoying one I wanna punch but can't help to love & hug ! (If u ever see this sis, hi 😂🤍) Catch me truly heartbroken by next Monday lol. But it was just a random transfer, so it'll be a wild ride I guess. I'm still not sure who my new companion is but President let me choose who my options were so I guess I got somewhat of a choice !! Yay !! 

But, other than that, it was a blessed week. We met a lot of people, experienced miracles, and I realized that my mission isn't so bad. I celebrated my one year & now I have that feeling where I don't wanna go home ?? Like I never thought I'd have this feeling. It'll probably last 2 minutes tbh hahah. Also, we had exchanges this last week & I was able to really see God's hand !! It was so cool !! We went to a random lady's house who opened the door confused, saw our tags, and said can you teach me more about your religion ? Crazy...yet so prepared by God. There are so many people that I met this last week that really made me realize missionary work is so worth it. Seeing God perform miracles is worth every minute of being here !! 

In addition, there was this random trailer at our mission office & the owner had came by, chucked his dog in there (it was in a cage), and left. For about 2 hours we were trying to break open the trailer bc it was like 90° outside so we couldn't imagine how hot it was in the trailer :( we got some big cutters for the bolt & got it open && oh my freaking goodness !!!! This dog was so bloody cute !!!! We decided to name him CAM (california anaheim mission acronym lol). But then the cops came and I had to hand him over, but the dog and I really bonded. He wouldn't let me go :') pure love. 

manuia le vaiaso, hope to hear from you soon ! tofa !

sister fin <3 


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