talofa lava !! this week was one for the books, but here is what happened --> - we went to the batting cages with some friends and had in n out afterwards. kymani had special ordered ours hahah i had no idea you could request even the smallest details to your fries and burgers... crazy - ^^ we went there for a friend we are teaching, Rolan. we met with him our first time at his house and he is super cool. he showed up to stake conference last week when i bore my testimony and afterwards some missionaries told us to go talk to him since he wants to get baptized and voila! everything is going great...he told one of the youth he is aiming to be baptized by the end of next month. crazy - a devotional with Elder Rasband - amongst polynesians, you tend to come across a lot of famous people. one being dinah jane, but another was someone i had no idea about lol. he just got put into the hall of fame though for football, Troy Polamalu, idk if any of you know him. But in addition, ...