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Pushin Through!


it was a pretty alright week. I was really ran down into the ground aka exhausted from the week prior. My body really gave out on me & I got sick for a few days so I was out of the work for a second. But I'm back, lively as ever lol! This week was really hard honestly. On top of being sick, I found out one of the families I am close with from Long Beach, the dad is on his death bed. I struggled knowing this but God really pulled me thru. It was everything to me to be reminded of His wonderful plan of salvation. I feel so blessed to be in this gospel ! 

Some things that happened this week

☆ i got called up last minute to speak in stake conference . . . it went well lol ! I am a fan of public speaking so :) but I was very stressed. The spirit was telling me to go thru my study journal the entire meeting & I just KNEW I was going up to bear testimony but it wasn't until last minute the stake president had announced my name lol. 

☆ we had a talent night with our Tongan ward, lol I signed up every missionary except myself. It was fun to see their faces when their names got called. I'm waiting for my karma...maybe the stake conference bullet point was just that ^ lol. 

☆ zone conference --> it was chill. I got in the top 4 of the lightning game until I got knocked in the face by a ball and then the person was relentless & got me out. really great way to start the afternoon. 

this week -- i have learned patience :) especially with others. I've met some really harsh people this last week but they only motivated me even more so it was a blessing in disguise. At first it threw me off but then I realized that God is on my team ! He is rooting for my success just as He is yours !! I have witnessed His hand more than I have my entire life. Maybe its because I'm more receptive to it or He is just really showing His guiding hand more lol. But I see it, feel it, and hear Him. Do what you can to Hear Him. Take time for yourself, be more patient, love those around you, and find gratitude for the plan of salvation. After my impromptu talk, a member came up to me and said. Do not give up. I emphasize the same thing to each of you. Do not give up. Manuia le vaiaso. Alofa atu!! xox

sister fin <3


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