Hi everyone !
This is such a late email, but I just wanted to send a quick letter home !!
This week was, as always, full of miracles. I witnessed God's hand & promises unfold as this week we really dedicated ourselves to His work. Well, we had no choice BUT to do His work this week lol. I am in the best ward ever !! They are all so missionary minded && keep us very, very accountable. I am stressed, anxious, exhausted, but never has time felt so fast & joyful. Every night I'd get about 4 hours ( IF I WAS LUCKY ) of sleep. One day I was up for 21 hours just doing work & it was the most energized I felt all week. I look back on this week truly shocked. Because no way could I have done what we did without the Lord strengthening & enabling me !!
Our Samoan ward has 522 members plus our Tongan ward has 200 - 300 ish members. SO, we made it a goal to meet everybody in both wards. In addition to that, the stake president asked if we could invite members on every single visit & with work schedules, prime time to visit, lessons, and other various things that might get in the way...it is quite difficult to have free time lol. Which is good & I love it so much !! Even better is that God has blessed us & not allowed us to waste our time visiting those who aren't home. Every visit this week was successful ! They all welcomed us into their home for short messages & it was the best week of my mission honestly because we still had tons of fun !!
We put on a program called the Saviors Light & it was the most stressed I have ever been buttt it turned out just perfect. I was talking to Sister Utahna Malo about how stressed I was, hoping people would show up & she said to me -- everyone who shows up tonight is who God needed to be here. && boy was she right !! It just opened my eyes that I am stressing over small things & more especially irrelevant things !! Gods timing is perfect. God is perfect. He has a plan for every individual. Majority of the time it isn't the same plan we have for our loved ones BUT remember God knows their thoughts & feelings & has the PERFECT plan for them !!
I love you all !! Manuia le aso !!
sister fin <3
- regina hansen <3
- Dinah Jane, Jared, & Jazmyn !
- hike tiiiingz
- little baby faiva :)
- kiani & puawai !
- sister malo :)
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