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Showing posts from September, 2021

Commandments of Love

kia ora whanau !  I needed to tap back into my real poly side lol. this week was really good & sad all at the same time (: but I honestly don't have much !!  ☆ went to a funeral for my friend, John Mallette, I met him back in the Atherton ward. that was a hard one to let go... ☆ sat down with my girl, Ahzira, & she asked for all the lessons hahah, we got thru 2/5 -- it was honestly so spiritual & so amazing to feel the love that I did for her.  ☆ hit 14 months of serving ahhhh crazy !!! ☆ spent some much needed time with our people & enjoyed it far too much <3  This last week I have learned A LOT about loving yourself. In a humble way :) Beginning this self love has strengthened my relationship with God & Christ because I see the things that they desire for me & especially WHY they want those things for me. For health, strength, & care !! I've come to understand their love through the commandments. There are SO many blessings in store a...

No more Lying!!!

hiiii !  it was a good week:)  ☆ ward picnic for labor day, it was so much fun ! we went to Modjeska park for the whole day lol.  ☆ park day with the faletoi/schuster fam ! ahzira is my bff (the one also w the crumbl box lolol!)  ☆ this guys uncle is from the hawaii 5-0 show so he wanted to brag with his picture ! **below ☆ met the Tili family who asked if we could help their son, Ike, get baptized by October 2...yay !  ☆ met with Cilla & went over her baptism things for September 25 :)  ☆ funny story . . . SO my soa & I (comp & I) were walking around temple grounds in Newport Beach which is covered by a different mission. (Yes we have permission to go there). We saw a lot of missionaries & we took our tags off because we didn't feel like talking with any of them (it was a ROUGH week for us to say the least) & yet somehow some elders managed to talk to my soa while I was looking at the temple. She walks away with them & I was like ?!...