hiiii !
it was a good week:)
☆ ward picnic for labor day, it was so much fun ! we went to Modjeska park for the whole day lol.
☆ park day with the faletoi/schuster fam ! ahzira is my bff (the one also w the crumbl box lolol!)
☆ this guys uncle is from the hawaii 5-0 show so he wanted to brag with his picture ! **below
☆ met the Tili family who asked if we could help their son, Ike, get baptized by October 2...yay !
☆ met with Cilla & went over her baptism things for September 25 :)
☆ funny story . . . SO my soa & I (comp & I) were walking around temple grounds in Newport Beach which is covered by a different mission. (Yes we have permission to go there). We saw a lot of missionaries & we took our tags off because we didn't feel like talking with any of them (it was a ROUGH week for us to say the least) & yet somehow some elders managed to talk to my soa while I was looking at the temple. She walks away with them & I was like ?! Lol. Okay. && came to find out they ended up giving my soa a priesthood blessing. BUT after, she comes running up to me telling me the background of everything that she said to them "I'm a recent convert, we both live in Anaheim, you introduced me to the church, etc etc" && I was so confused but started laughing. THEN these elders find ME. And I try my best to tell my story in compatibility with hers . . . But then they ask if I wanted a priesthood blessing. I definitely needed it. BUT the temple grounds were getting too crowded so they asked if we could walk over to the stake center across the street, so we start walking....and their mission president & counselor are NOW JOINING THE BLESSING. The entire time I was just praying they wouldn't recognize me as the social media specialist who once upon a time helped them get started 🤣😭 but we go into a room with these men & they start asking me questions...but this blessing. It felt so different from the ones I have received thus far on my mission. If I am going to be completely honest, 9/10 my blessings are always "if you keep serving you will be blessed" but this one just felt so personal to me. These elders had no idea I was serving a mission, and this blessing applied so well to it & just life in general. In a way, it felt so good to just be known as myself rather rather a title!! It proved to me that God knows me. He is aware of me.
And yes, after I left...I prayed to God for forgiveness on lying lol🤣😭 but 2 things I learned from those men.
☆ prayers of gratitude
☆ prayers of repentance
I need to be better at remembering what the Lord has done for me. I also need to show the Lord I want to be better by asking for His help more often through daily repentance.
I hope you all had a wonderful week :) Tofa !
sister fin <3
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