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Commandments of Love

kia ora whanau ! 

I needed to tap back into my real poly side lol. this week was really good & sad all at the same time (: but I honestly don't have much !! 

☆ went to a funeral for my friend, John Mallette, I met him back in the Atherton ward. that was a hard one to let go...

☆ sat down with my girl, Ahzira, & she asked for all the lessons hahah, we got thru 2/5 -- it was honestly so spiritual & so amazing to feel the love that I did for her. 

☆ hit 14 months of serving ahhhh crazy !!!

☆ spent some much needed time with our people & enjoyed it far too much <3 

This last week I have learned A LOT about loving yourself. In a humble way :) Beginning this self love has strengthened my relationship with God & Christ because I see the things that they desire for me & especially WHY they want those things for me. For health, strength, & care !! I've come to understand their love through the commandments. There are SO many blessings in store as we keep commandments. Ive witnessed friends out here really struggle to find true joy as they learn about the gospel but on the weekend's party hard.... Its been difficult to get them to feel & know of God's love when they don't keep the commandments, as they are our best route of understanding that God really does love us !!! So, keep the commandments, be willing, and love <3 

Have a blessed week my people !! 

sister fin <


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