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Exchange miracles!

hiiiii everyone !! ☆ I went on my last exchange with Sister Mattice and Sister Rose🥰 it was SO FUN :) and really crazy. although it's been over 16 months of me serving...I never went door knocking before. until NOW !! it fuels my fire of excitement for God's work. being a COVID missionary, this was never in my intentions to do. but as we went about, we experienced miracles !!! ✨ it was funny because for my specific area we have to find Polynesians. and that's kind of hard when most of the area is English & Hispanic so I was lil doubtful. but as we were walking down this street full of apartments, I heard music playing. I stopped and asked my companions what kind of music was playing and they looked at me super confused (& after almost 9 months of being around poly's I kinda got their tendencies down 🤣) so I told them "that's music a Polynesian would play!!!" SO we sprint down to the music and lo & behold.... ✨🙏🏼a Polynesian family🙏🏼 ✨ (th...
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Old Prayers Answered!

what a week :)  ☆ gave my departing testimony at zone conference & had to say my last goodbyes to some people even though I still have a whole month left :( SAD !!  ☆ I got strep throat starting Wednesday. Pretty sure someone switched our water bottles at zone conference lolol :(( but by Friday morning I had my medicine & now I'm feeling a little better woohoo ! we had to take the weekend off so I could was BORING but much needed rest ngl !!  ☆ I had more time to think than one would like because of ^^ strep ! and I couldn't help but think about how sometimes I am ungrateful to God of the answers He gives me to old prayers.  For an example, I remember praying everyday as I turned in my mission papers (February/March 2020) : "PLEASE let me learn my culture" Fast forward to April 2021 & I am assigned to serve in the only 2 Polynesian wards in Orange County.  Something small like recognizing that we might be experiencing the answers to old pr...

Mission Tiiiingz!!

another week in the books !  in this letter, I just wanna write a short thing of my thoughts on my mission --  I could focus on all of the bad things that have occurred on my mission and I'd be writing you a 7 series book telling you about it. or I can focus on all of the good things that have occurred on my mission and write a short poem.  at times my mission has felt so....miserable 🥲😅 BUT just as the restoration needed the apostasy to shine in contrast, so did my mission ✨ although there weren't as many joyful moments...I have experiences that stand in MAGNITUDE !!! quality versus quantity as they say :)   so as a choice, I decide to focus on the good & joyful. what I went thru mentally and spiritually has been difficult and even damaging at times, but the BEAUTY that resulted because of those difficulties.... are things unexplainable & unimaginable. the people I have met...the laughs I have had...the fun activities I've joined...all of it is UNMATCHED!!...


TALOFA !! MALO E LELEI !! 🥰 I have forgotten the last few weeks to send an email...oopsies ! idk where I left off but I am having a great time out here. Today is the beginning to an ending. I will be coming home in 6 weeks aka it's my last transfer !! Thinking about it...IM TIRED 🤣 but pressing forward ! the last few weeks have been crazy good but honestly not a whole lot to note on.  ☆ ahzira came to the conclusion that the church is true because of a spiritual experience she had while visiting her grandma's grave. IT WAS AMAZING. but then things took a turn really quickly SO this last week she did her very own fast !! WHAT !! we will be checking on her this upcoming week to see how it went :)  ☆ Chris & Jazmine !! they're doing great. they are planning a wedding so that they can be baptized immediately after. but then some things went down with paperwork so they postponed the wedding thus postponing the baptism :( sad days. HOWEVER ! Jazmine finally had her baby whi...

I love you all!!

hiiii everyone !!! it was a good week as usual :)  ☆ Ikenasio was baptized & confirmed !!  - on Saturday, inbetween conference sessions, Ike was able to participate in saving ordinances ! I am so proud of him & happy that I was able to be apart of this experience for him <33  ☆ General Conference !!  - so many of the talks were great !! I loved this quote that basically said "the best way to show my love for God is to never lower my expectations" YEAH, SO GOOD !!  I don't have much to say but I'm doing good & learning a lot ! God is taking care of me out here. He has given me many people to love & serve !! I love being able to know what people's needs are thru the spirit, it's SO COOL !! I'm blessed & grateful 🤍  Have a great week everyone, stay blessed ! sister fin <3

Dressed in White

hi everyone !! it has been such a GREAT week :)  2 of our friends were dressed in white this weekend as they were baptized & confirmed members on Saturday !!  - Damian was first & he was so sweet when he got to bear his testimony. only 10 years old but he had so much to offer to the Lord that day. I had the wonderful opportunity to be with him every step of the way in this baptism, I love little kids & how much they love Jesus Christ !!!  - Cilla was next !! she is so amazing. she is expecting a baby boy in a few weeks so she really wanted to push for Saturdays date so that they could eventually be sealed in the temple. I am so so proud of her !! she enveloped everything so easily & to hear the things she was doing without nagging or pushing was truly special. I'm grateful for her example she set to me by her determination !!  we also got to top the week off by visiting the Newport Beach Temple. my soa went inside but I stayed outside with our friend,...

Commandments of Love

kia ora whanau !  I needed to tap back into my real poly side lol. this week was really good & sad all at the same time (: but I honestly don't have much !!  ☆ went to a funeral for my friend, John Mallette, I met him back in the Atherton ward. that was a hard one to let go... ☆ sat down with my girl, Ahzira, & she asked for all the lessons hahah, we got thru 2/5 -- it was honestly so spiritual & so amazing to feel the love that I did for her.  ☆ hit 14 months of serving ahhhh crazy !!! ☆ spent some much needed time with our people & enjoyed it far too much <3  This last week I have learned A LOT about loving yourself. In a humble way :) Beginning this self love has strengthened my relationship with God & Christ because I see the things that they desire for me & especially WHY they want those things for me. For health, strength, & care !! I've come to understand their love through the commandments. There are SO many blessings in store a...