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Showing posts from August, 2020

Sunny Cali...

Bear with me as I try to figure out this emailing stuff haha. Im also losing creativity for subject lines 😂 But again, scroll to the very bottom for some pics !! Samsungs are not as easy as Apple so BOO...  My favorite question that's been asked this week -- How has God made you better than you could've made yourself better??   I have learned that every trial we face, every opposition we go through, every stumbling block in the obstacle course, every thing in life has a reason for its doing or undoing. I have slowly seen the pieces of the puzzle be put together in my life... but I think Heman or Lamoni hid a few puzzle pieces because some things just don't add up...yet 😉 Ezra Taft Benson taught that ALL things, big or small, fall into place when God comes first. (I'm sure a lot of people have taught this principle haha) The first great commandment is to love God and we manifest that love by doing His will. If we love Him, the other commandments follow. We believe in f...

Happiest Place on Earth...

It was such a BUSY week !! first off I just wanted to flex that we got to go to Disneyland on p day. never been there so that was cool. you can definitely be jealous of this mission...just kidding🤣 we had zone conference and I just want to add that Hermana Siepert is a FANTASTICCC actor :') It really does feel good to have that piece of home nearby <3 My zone didn't believe me that I knew her so I pulled up super old pics of us from like middle school saying this is US believe me hahaha. Anyways, my second day here we got to put Charles on date for baptism. He is such a sweet guy. He was a self referral and he is SO proud of his 15 yr old daughters artwork. She has autism and honestly they are two wonderful people that Ive enjoyed meeting! And guess what!! He is getting baptized in a jacuzzi because he doesn't want to be cold after he is submerged.... in 80° weather... he asked for the hot tub to be over 100° ..... you could say its freezing here huh? Also, my first hou...

Welcome Sister Finlayson

We are so happy to welcome Sister Finlayson to the California Anaheim Mission!  She arrived early this afternoon happy and well. We have introduced her to her training companions and after a little introductory business at the mission office and home she is off to enjoy the rest of preparation day.  Sister Platt and myself enjoying visiting with her and getting to know her. She has a very beautiful spirit and will be such an amazing missionary. We look forward to seeing many miracles with her during the course of her mission. We love her so very much already. Thank you for sending her to us! President and Sister Platt

California Dreaminnnn

Hey yall!! I finally arrived in the field today so not a whole lot to say :) I will tell ya though that I was honestly quite shocked when I didnt cry saying goodbye to my family :') Typically I'd just gotta give myself a pat on the back for that one lol! (Not because I dont love them but because Ive been SO READY for this moment!!) The Lord has been preparing me for this mission and Ive been way too eager to get out here! Ive gone through some tough times to get here, but the scripture Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" has given me so much encouragement to be here. But even more strength has been received from the enabling power accessed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I read this poem and just wanted to include it here (let me know your thoughts because I LOVED it!!)  -->  "more skillful in self knowledge, even more pure, as tempted more; more able to endure, as more exposed to suffering and distress; thenc...