Bear with me as I try to figure out this emailing stuff haha. Im also losing creativity for subject lines 😂 But again, scroll to the very bottom for some pics !! Samsungs are not as easy as Apple so BOO... My favorite question that's been asked this week -- How has God made you better than you could've made yourself better?? I have learned that every trial we face, every opposition we go through, every stumbling block in the obstacle course, every thing in life has a reason for its doing or undoing. I have slowly seen the pieces of the puzzle be put together in my life... but I think Heman or Lamoni hid a few puzzle pieces because some things just don't add up...yet 😉 Ezra Taft Benson taught that ALL things, big or small, fall into place when God comes first. (I'm sure a lot of people have taught this principle haha) The first great commandment is to love God and we manifest that love by doing His will. If we love Him, the other commandments follow. We believe in f...