Bear with me as I try to figure out this emailing stuff haha. Im also losing creativity for subject lines 😂 But again, scroll to the very bottom for some pics !! Samsungs are not as easy as Apple so BOO...
My favorite question that's been asked this week -- How has God made you better than you could've made yourself better??
I have learned that every trial we face, every opposition we go through, every stumbling block in the obstacle course, every thing in life has a reason for its doing or undoing. I have slowly seen the pieces of the puzzle be put together in my life... but I think Heman or Lamoni hid a few puzzle pieces because some things just don't add up...yet 😉 Ezra Taft Benson taught that ALL things, big or small, fall into place when God comes first. (I'm sure a lot of people have taught this principle haha) The first great commandment is to love God and we manifest that love by doing His will. If we love Him, the other commandments follow. We believe in following His will because He cares for our eternal welfare. And whoever does God's work, will get God's pay. But just like a regular job, we have to wait two weeks to get a paycheck, and all of the full blessings will come, EVENTUALLY. Maybe tonight, this weekend, a year from now, or even the next life. But no matter, you will receive your pay of doing His work and His glory. I know that if you accept His will, get through your challenges with faith, and follow His lead that you will be delivered from your trials !!! ☆☆
Before I say anything, it is HOT here. I'm dying haha. At first it was at 80° but now its hitting above 100° so Im adjusting...sweating off some In n Out haha. But on the real, missions are such a humbling experience. This week was amazingly busy. We met with Charles and got to put more detail into his baptism! And guess who has to sing...haha. I think the Spirit filled him so much it caused him to be deaf during the hymn so he asked me...I'm making my companions sing with me though so we are okay. But we have had a member interfere with his plans so it has been so COMPLICATED. She was at the session with Charles and she was planning things HER way and not the way Charles wanted but of course its his special day so we followed what he was saying and she got so mad that she left and then uninvited all of us to sacrament the next day at her house hahahah it was kind of funny but we went to Brother Hamms house for sacrament instead which was super uplifting!! He is from Burley and his wife is from Moreland so literally everyone here is from Idaho I swear. Its amazing. Theyre all so humble and great...sooo Im just gonna say that Idaho raises some amazing people😉 We got to meet Charles daughter, Terra. She is 15 years old with autism (about 4 years old mentally) We wanted to draw with her so we all went to the park and she gave us some tips!! She draws a lot of old people, so I asked Charles if he knew why (because your drawings typically reflect your thoughts and emotions) and he said its because she thinks that when you get older, you get friends. So, she wants to be older so that she can have friends. Her only friend was her dad but after that day, she got 3 friends and we just ADORE her!! Later on, we went to visit the Portillo family. They remind me of my family when the missionaries used to come over hahahah they're such a rowdy, fun group. Try having 4 kids under the age of 15, a mom who wants her kids to be quiet, and 5 missionaries all under one roof. SO FUN 😂 We taught them about the Plan of Salvation and they were so confused. Hahaha. So last minute we related it to their sports and it was like a light bulb went off in all of their heads! The spirit certainly guided in that lesson. Also, I am so used to Soda Springs because everyone knows everyone and knows what faith you are etc etc. I went to the park and I met a kid my age, Bashar. We were talking and I found out he doesnt know our church...whatsoever. That's a FIRST for me I was so excited to explain it to him hahaha. Then when I was done he told me about the Muslim faith and there were SO many things that I didnt know about that faith. But I got his contact info and we have plans to meet up again so that should be fun!! The next day I went to the same park and met an amazing family. He and his daughter invited their 2 friends to come hang out with us and we all just talked. It was such a sweet moment and now we meet up every night 6:30pm at the park!! That park is a goldmine for me hahaha. We also met with this lady, Mary. She calls us by our first names because Sister reminds her of nuns 😂 and she spoils us.. she got us chick fil a so she holds a very close spot to my heart. BUT the agreement is that we teach each other our faiths. So she isn't interested in joining, but loves what our church has to offer. I LOVE hearing everything she has to say. Missions have nothing to do with the statistics of how many people you've baptized, but everything to do with being a friend and showing them a Christ-like example. Baptism is the ultimate goal, but if theyre not interested now, then continue to be their friend and maybe down the road as God works with them they might have a change of heart!!
Anyways, if you've gotten this far you deserve some more popcorn, I am so sorry for how LONG this email is and I told myself I'd never do this but it's so hard not to on such busy weeks 😂!! anyways, love you all !!!
hope you all have a great week !!!
love sister fin <3
1. Shoopes !!
2. Terra and I 💕
3-4. Charles and Terra !!
5. We had a gardening service project and it was awful I am not a gardener and never will be haha!! Good to know for the future...😂
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