hello my family and friends♡ I miss each one of you so much !! I love each of you as well. I have been searching every reason as to why I'm here. Why am I apart of this church? Why am I a member? Why do I decide to go to church every Sunday? Why did I decide to make covenant(s) with God? **Why do I choose to stay?** For me Ive noticed the gospel has given me structure. It is something that allows me to recognize there is greater potential in myself as well as in others. I feel like I have been stripped to the core by trials and its only been 2 months in my mission waaa hahah. Every aspect of my testimony is being tested and every detail of it is being questioned and tried by God to strengthen me and my testimony further. IT. IS. HARD. Despite these challenges and trials, I choose to stay because of the feelings I have received from God testifying of this gospel. No matter the experiences, no matter the trials, no matter the hurt, anger, shame, hatred, envy, and sorrow that we can experience, God calls out to us. Satan can slash, strike, pierce, and attack us but whether we succumb to him or don't, God stands with loving and open arms ready for us to embrace Him. I choose to stay for His embracing arms. I choose to stay for His love that I know is constantly there *whether I choose to feel it or not.* Take away the principles and the doctrine of the gospel and you will still have the feelings that you've received from the Spirit. || Its the same instance as those memories you don't remember exactly but you do remember the feelings associated with it. || Choose to stay because of the love God has for you individually. I want you all to know I just love you all so very much. There isn't a doubt in my mind about the truthfulness of this gospel. I know that each one of us are loved and cared for so deeply, on a level that none of us can comprehend, by God and Jesus Christ. To receive a glimpse of this love, we read the Book of Mormon. Through and through, the Book of Mormon expresses love. The history of its upbringing, the words cover to cover, and the after-effect it has on ourselves and those around us shows just the few ways the Book of Mormon can be a channel to us of feeling God's love if we just read, study, and ponder it. So !! I challenge each of you to read it !! Whether it be 1 verse a day, or 1 chapter a day, read it ! FEEL the difference it brings into your life because LOVE is what we all need, right ?!! 💗💗
anyways ! its been such a busy week. Hermana French and I are whitewashing an area. (whitewashing means 2 missionaries new to an area) I am the trainee however I've felt like the leader of it all so talk about stress hahaha. However we share this ward with 7 other missionaries. There are NINE missionaries here in this ward, how crazy is that?!! There are over 350 relief society woman, so from there I think you can guess just about how many are in this ward. 5 of the missionaries are Khmer speaking (Cambodian) and they're so sweet. This place is completely different from Yorba Linda and as much as I like it here, YL will forever hold my heart haha! I didn't realize how much and how fast I fell in love with the people and the area until I got here but thats okay!! I'm where the Lord needs me!! 😊 We have done tonnnsss of service this week. At one of them, we got interviewed hahaha so that was cool. We also got 3 phone numbers at one of the services, talk about prayers being answered !! We had a lady ask if we could send her a link to our sacrament meeting because I told her about my last area how we had a ton of people outside of the church just join us in our meetings because their churches weren't doing anything !! It was amazing I almost had a jaw drop when she asked if we could hahaha. Its not very typical to have that here !! But the work is slowly chugging along. Nothing else that's too exciting.
have a great week !!
love sister fin <3
• Shamus ♡ This doggy melted my heart hahaha !!
• Pretty tree :P
• Service
• "Forever in my heart, Seal Beach"
• Fire smoke winds are getting wild !!
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