helloooooo from the wonderful ocean breeze, long beach !!! ☆ after just a few short 5 weeks in yorba linda I have already been transferred to long beach e !! I just wanna say I have never been more thankful to move out of mountains and be by the ocean than now because BOY it has been scorching hot. This past weekend in YL it reached 112° and I wasn't having it haha !! but an fyi we had transfers yesterday so thats why my p day is today ! my new comp is Hermana French and she is also reassigned from Cancun, MX !! sweetest thanggg ever !! we already eat breathe sleep together honestly I just adore her. Mainly because she cooks for me...just kidding haha but she is a really good cook so I'm not even mad. But another amazing thing about transfers yesterday was that I got to see the one and only beautiful Hermana Siepert !!! I. Have. Never. Been. More. Excited. Yall. Hahah a piece of home is THE BEST ♡
However!!! To the good stuff !! This transfer I found out a lot about my relationship with God. I have become way way way more understanding of His plan for each of His children. I have not fully given my life to Him, and it has made things very inconsistent and difficult in my life !! I switched around my goals and priorities and now I am just a happy happy gal !! One of God's greatest gifts to us is time. The reason being is.. where you put your time is where your heart is !! But I know yall got some busy lives so I'l rephrase and say, where you put your **free time** is where your heart is. In my "free time" (due to covid), I just want to kick back and relax and do nothing but scroll through Facebook. However, Gods asked us to feast upon His word and if we are doing that in our free time can you just imagine how much more meaningful time can be used !! I get so stressed when it comes to becoming better because I expect myself to be perfect by 7:05pm tonight. Which is just not realistic. But with priorities we can manage that stress !! I have so much free time that I am even picking up Maori. Haha!! I love learning the Maori language and can feel God really helping me with it. Who knew !? This is something I've always wanted to do but "didn't have the time" but really I just didn't have my priorities straight. So spend your time wisely folks !!! Another thing I wanted to say is that God cares for what you care for !! Enough said :)
But not a whole lot this week besides transfers and CHARLES BAPTISM !! That was so spiritual and amazing. I love him and his kids oh so much !! I also had to say goodbye to my favorite members, the Pugmires from Soda🥺 It was such a sad night for me honestly hahaha...I just have met so many amazing people in the last 5 weeks...I never wanna leave!! Yorba was great to me but I'm excited to see what's in Long Beach/Atherton !! But gotta blast !! 🚀 (Jimmy Neutron reference in which I pray that every one of you understood that besides my family hahah)
Have a great week!!
Love sister fin <3
Not sure if these pics go in order for yall as they do for me but ! Brief descriptions-
•Elder Light (district leader) and Elder Jensen dropped off some brownies. Elder Light is going home and Jensen is the new DL !!
•Elder Hamilton and Elder Schade my zone leaders !! This was when they gave us sacrament. (208 for "Hammerton" and I ayyy)
•Sisters call !!
•We went to a bunch of garage sales to help for service and members kept spoiling us so I got a bunch of Angels gear :)
•High up on the mountain top :D !
•My zone Anaheim/Placentia all dressed up at zone council and at p day !! <3
•Charles and I at his baptism. Much love to him. We got super close in 5 short weeks.
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