hello everyone !!
it was such a beautiful week ! I have been given so many reasons to be grateful. First is being able to attend the temple. I have never received so much peace and clarity in my life, I loved it so much ♡ I am so grateful for my momma and Heman and that they made the effort to come !! It was such a sweet moment to see them and hug my momma once again. In addition, general conference weekend !! It was so powerful! I loved Elder Hollands talk so much. "How long should we wait...?"
Even when we give our best efforts to the Lord, "time in our mortal journey is His." With trust in the Savior we can all be delivered through our trials. One thing that a senior missionary in our office said to me this last week was, "Heavenly Father is happy with you because you are willing to struggle for Him." Tending to our problems won't always have an easy fix, but through them we find ourselves more reliant upon the Saviors grace. So as you struggle and persevere for the Lord, you should know that Heavenly Father is happy with your efforts!! He is happy you, too, are willing to struggle for Him! Just as Elder Holland said, "Christianity is comforting but not comfortable." God won't let us be content with our weaknesses, so with all of this said I just want to reiterate Elder Hollands promise of those who wait on the Lord will have renewed strength! I love my Savior and I love my Heavenly Father. I may be too impatient to love His timing, but everything happens when it should...I am learning to love His timing 🤣!
When I reflect back to this week, I can see God just taking His work into His own hands whether we are participating or not! It felt so busy this week with temple, meetings and trying to tend to personal matters that God took care of everything. He knew I NEEDED His help haha! He literally handled things to us that have strengthened my testimony even more of prayer!! Last week I mentioned a lady named Kartier. Okay, if I'm being honest this lady was a joy-sucker. She took happiness, positivity, and joy out of everything. She has difficulty with trust issues so thats super tough to work around. BUT like I said, God answers prayers and He especially takes His work into His own hands. This last week Kartier called us every other day (trust✔) , she moved in with her family (Law of Chastity ✔ we prayed about this hard-core because you cant be baptized unless you live in a separate home from your boyfriend or get married), she has some pep in her step (increased spirit=increased joy✔), and she is just getting her life together. She recognizes it is all from God so being here for Kartiers change is the BEST ! I am happy for her to be making these decisions and choices to find God in her life !! But other than that not a whole lot of other fun. We had to hand off Ernesto and his friend Jose to the Elders because of misinterpretation of lessons...haha!!
Hope you all have a good week, God speed !!
sister fin <3
General conf with the crew
Temple trip<3
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