hello everyone!
alright I just gotta get to the point with my title because its too sweet. so the elders are teaching this lady Melissa. But to make a long story short, 2 weeks ago I got called on in church (we have it online) to introduce myself and bear my testimony. I did a very basic introduction of where I'm from and how long I've been out and etc! Well fast forward to this week and we accidentally walked in on a lesson between Melissa and the elders. She asked me about myself and the moment I said Soda Springs, ID she goes "It's you!!" And I was obviously so confused. But she explained to me how she used to be clean and sober but then fell into substances again and is now trying to quit so she can be baptized. The background story: she was on a trip to Wyoming and stopped in... Soda Springs! At this time she was clean, but when she visited Soda she stopped at A&W and bought her first pack of cigarettes in a long time aka breaking her soberness. So when she joined this church link for the very first time and I said I was from Soda Springs she took it as a sign to quit smoking and get baptized!! How awesome!!☆☆ Gotta love that small town gem♡
Also! A few weeks ago we were walking into our apartment and I saw a dumpster diver so I said good evening to her but she never replied. A good awkward 4 seconds pass by and she looks back and says something in flipping Spanish. My comp can speak a little Spanish so she starts talking to her and flash forward to this last week, she invited us to her house! Well we can't teach Spanish speaking because that's the Elders area. So we decided to do a pass along lesson and I was like how the heck am I going to do this if I literally can't even speak Spanish🤣 THEN Elder Tolley asks me to say my testimony in English and I was like ??? She can't even understand me why would I do that ?? Well everyone, the spirit is a BLESSING. Although there was a big language barrier between us, I felt the spirit so strongly. I understood most of what they were teaching her, but Elder Henze also translated a few things when I'd get lost, ha! However, I know now that no matter the language, the Spirit testifies to ALL that are listening. It reminds me of when Jesus would teach in parables, and no one understood His "language." Its like when I read Isaiah and none of it makes sense to me haha. Even though there are things uncomprehensible, the spirit can bless us with understanding !! ♡♡
Also, it seems like I'm doing so much different language studies its crazy !! I help one of the Elders learn Tagolog, so I get to learn some too its pretty sweet! Then another Elder has been teaching me Khmer...it looks like a bunch of scribbles by a little child so that one is impossible, ha! It has been so much fun working with 7 other missionaries though! We have so much fun together and honestly its like being a mother to 7 children sometimes 🤣!! But one of these little children is finally back and out of the hospital much love for my friend Elder Yeam !!
Anyways, Kartier is doing awesome, she has taken her life for a 180° change. Her countenance glows and she has changed her physical appearance so much. Its honestly crazy how this quote is so true,
"The world works from the outside in but the Lord works from the inside out"
But I have so many funny memories to attach (so I don't forget them) since my mom puts these emails on a blog, so I'll attach those down here but other than that, have a great week everyone!! I love yall!
sister fin <3
Some of my funny memories ♡
• Tammy the water Buffalo. This cracks me up everytime so it has to be first on my list😂 So she is the momma for Mallette family. When we asked John and Tammy how they got together, he explained to us that she was a girl unlike the rest. She could eat and lift more than any other girl. And as he was explaining to us how she could lift a fridge alone or order a rack of ribs, Tammy stopped him and said: You make me sound like a freaking water Buffalo or Big Foot. I. Died. 😂😂
•Next funny thing is when we first met with Ernesto and extended a baptismal date. Sister French and I were working really well together in our lesson, he stopped and said. "Wait. You two aren't like....dating...are you?" And he looked so ready to bust out of there😂
•Winning!!! Let's just say that I am a professional at Uno and Settlers of Catan. The Elders are jealous and can't blame them. Just kidding 😆 I havent played settlers in YEARS and I played it for the first time with the Elders and didn't even realize I won. They weren't the happiest because I had won uno x3 the night before so I think Im uninvited😆
•Elder Zedekiah Davis and I were sitting together when our comps were talking. And randomly he said to me, "Alright I need a good conversation right now so I'm trying to think of good questions to ask because I've been around way too much freaking testosterone" 😂
•Elder Spendlove and Hermana French let Kira paint their nails ♡
•Michelle, Kira and I!!
•Elder Yeam finally home !!
•Elder Weiler is the greatest twin I've ever had. I got to teach him some girl poses too, how the heck does he pull it off so well ?!!?
•Pretty view !!
•We got to go on a run with Kirstyn :)
•Some funny glasses we found lying around
•Elder Jarmannnnn !
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