Hey everyone! it has been a week full of miracles (as always, ha!) but i don't know if i explained that we work *all* day with social media so they took our area away... then they gave it back to us but we have had no time to work in it whatsoever (which is okay because we share it with 5 other missionaries) but none of us wanted to lose our teaching skills so we had this 2.5 hour meeting with our president last Sunday about our schedule, social media news, and etc. so after being told we could work in teaching whenever we wanted, we decided to make goals to find people instead of just goals for social media. before i say the miraculous news i just want to emphasize that we literally have not touched any work in our area for 2-3 weeks !! but when we finally made PLANS to work in our area, God blessed us with 4 referrals the NEXT 2 days. when we make plans and God sees our intent behind them, He truly provides. Its like the story of the brother of Jared. God did not tell him to go get a rock so he can make it light or tell him the exact things to do in order to breathe on the boat... but what He did was let the brother of Jared make plans and then God supported him. One thing I admire is the brother of Jared's complete humility and faith. I cant imagine myself ever bringing God a rock...but I realize that I do that every day. The effort I give can be as simple as a rock...can be as incompetent as a rock. Yet God never laughed. He was actually pleased with the brother of Jareds plans, and so He is with our efforts. Though our ideas and efforts may be perceived as "just a rock", God makes up the difference !! oh also I just hit my 4 months yesterday so thats crazy.
well have a good week, love yall !
sister fin <3
The Korean fam ☆
It was raining and Stacky wasn't ready for the pic but its all I had.
The Luper FHE with the elders !
Michelle got me this sweet necklace of a butterfly !
The temple trip group, we love Elder Browning !
Melissa !!
Yay for mirror pics w Sister Greene ♡
We got sushiiii
My zone on p day last week ! (No Elder Tolleys arm isn't around me hahahah ripppp)
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